Reveiw of Filming

14:31:00 0 Comments

Overall I think the filming went well. We filmed in our respective locations on three different occasions. Firstly we filmed in the abandoned building. The location was perfect for an apocalyptic feel, and emphasised the feel of abandonment. Although it was cold we filmed in under 3 hours, and managed to get the cast to and from the location.

Our next filming day was in Thetford Forrest. This was a considerable time after the first shoot as we had to organise the day through school hours and peoples frees, and also travel. Luckily it worked out well for us as we managed to arrange cars and also a 4 hour slot that everybody could film for. The day went smoothly and we managed to film even though the light began to go later in the day.

Finally our last shoot was in the school basement. This was no doubt the easiest shoot out of the three. Me, Meghan and Charlie managed to film within an hour, mostly because it was on school grounds. We were able to get some old equipment to throw at the wall, along with other props from the basement. Once again this went smoothly, and when re-watched, fit in perfectly with our narrative.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.