
05:19:00 0 Comments

To match our storyboard we created a list of times that synced with the song and the length of 3 minutes 27 seconds long.

0-23 seconds -> establishing shots (ref Rashimon)
23-45 seconds -> characters taken away (change character on beat)
45-1:01 seconds -> in their respective locations (interrogation)
1:01-1:21 seconds -> running (cuts between the beat)
1:21-1:40 seconds -> planning escapes
1:40-1:58 seconds -> escape (split screen)
1:58-2:17 seconds -> running
2:17-2:37 seconds -> slowmo flashback
2:37-2:55 seconds -> running
2:55-3:15 seconds -> out of forest (cut on 'na's)
3:15-3:24 seconds -> trio meet and face back to back
3:24-3:27 seconds -> wide shot of guards running towards them (ends on cliffhanger)

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.